Cargo Packaging

Premier Project Cargo Packaging and Handling Services in India

At India Seal Packaging, we specialize in offering comprehensive project cargo packaging and handling services across India. With more than a decade of experience, we have been working with all the major RORO vessels in Mumbai and Chennai Ports.

Why Choose Our Cargo Packaging Services?

Expertise: Our onboard veterans have in-depth knowledge of lashing requisites of all the major RORO vessels and specialize in Mafi Container lashing.

Quality Driven Services: We undertake comprehensive cargo packaging and handling projects which are timeline and quality driven services.

Customized Solutions: Our vast experience in the industry helps us serve our customers with customized and premium quality services.

Contact Us Today!

Experience prompt and excellent cargo packaging services with India Seal Packaging. Whether you’re in Mumbai or Chennai, we’re here to cater to all your cargo packaging needs. Contact us now for a personalized consultation and reliable solutions.